Thursday, December 5, 2013

increased those that underwent primary necrosis

Colorectal can cer remains the fourth leading cause of cancer death in men and the next in women worldwide. Plainly, de velopment of novel method for colorectal cancer Gefitinib therapy is highly warranted. In China, Traditional Chinese Medicine has performed a positive role in colorectal cancer treatment. TCM has been proved to palliate medical syndrome and minimize harmful side effects of chemotherapy, effortlessly enhance curative effects, reduce recurrence and metastasis, im prove total well being and immune function, and prolong survival time in colorectal cancer. The personalized TCM treatment is Problem Based Differential Treatment. In Chinese herbalism, every plant has its characteris tics. Diseases could be effectively treated by combining herbs based on the different characteristics. Combinations of multiple herbs guided by TCM concepts, called Chinese herbal formula, will be the major Eumycetoma form of Chinese herb. Because of the lack of appropriate ancient Chinese herbal formula for cancer, most TCM physicians combine multiple herbs for a formula or prescription based on human anatomy condition and the patients illness, TCM concepts, pharmacological studies and personal knowledge. There is a great need to establish effective natural formula for colorectal cancer treatment. In line with the TCM theories and clinical observa tions, the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer relates to moist poisoning accumulation, heat, and spleen deficit. In line with the therapeutic approach to clearing heat accumulation, removing water and tonifying Pi, and the modern theory of anti-cancer and anti angiogenesis, and TCM medical methods, we've established an eight herbs constructed formula for colorec tal cancer treatment, which is Teng Long Bu Zhong Tang. We have demonstrated TLBZT may possibly inhibit XL888 growth, stimulate Caspases to induce apoptosis, upregulate p21 and p16 and downregulate RB phos phorylation to induce cell senescence in colon carcin oma cells in vitro. In current study, we considered the anticancer effects of TLBZT, applied alone and in combination with low dose of 5 Fluorouracil, in CT26 colon carcinoma in vivo. Fetal bovine serum and techniques Materials DMEM medium was obtained from Hyclone. 5 Fu treatment was purchased kind Xudong Haipu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. FragEL DNA Fragmentation Diagnosis Kit was purchased from EMD Millipore. Senescence W Galactosidase Discoloration Package and PARP anti-body were from Cell Signaling Technology. Caspase 8, caspase 3 and Caspase 9 Activity Assay Kit were obtained from Beyotime Institute of Biotech nology. Antibody against p21 was pur chases from Boster Bio engineering Limited Company. Survivin, xiap, GAPDH and pRB antibodies were purchased from Bioworld Technology. Antibody against p16 was bought from Proteintech. Antibodies against CD31 and VEGF were the merchandise of from Santa Cruz Biotech nology.

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